It’s a while since we blogged about our Net Zero projects, so an update is likely in order! Our project on Westdale Road in Oakville is enjoying good progress. Currently in framing stages, it’s the first home to be registered in Oakville in the National Research Canada’s Net Zero Ready program. At the risk of re-plowing old ground the Net Zero program is what is now recognized as the gold standard in comfort and energy efficiency.
Mike Holmes, in a National Post article called Net Zero ” A truly great home” ( see article here. ) and we share that view! Many of our clients are opting for the features of NET ZERO without going fully into the program, hedging their bets that costs of high efficiency mechanical equipment will be that much more affordable in the not-too-distant future and planning to complete the program in the future but incorporating the structural aspects , insulation and air tightness in the “bones” of the house.
On this same trajectory our project in East Oakville recently had the team from Building knowledge Canada test the AIR TIGHTNESS of the building envelope. with “excellent” results. The Net Zero program has an air tightness requirement of less than 1.5 air changes per hour ( 1.5ACH 50) On initial testing and without any further efforts we achieved test results of 1.83 ACH. This was attained before taping and trim.
Our expectations for the final test will be close to 1.0 air change a result tighter than the current building code by more than 350%, with a resulting comfortable house which is highly energy efficient and VERY comfortable!!!