Home Renovations with Chatsworth Fine Homes
If you have found the perfect location to live, but your new home doesn’t reflect who you are, don’t panic- home renovations done by Chatsworth Fine Homes can match your house’s interior to your personality!
Knocking Down Obstacles
Architectural designs and home buildings have seen a lot of changes in the past century. Where once North Americans believed more rooms and wall dividers meant prosperous owners, a new shift into open plan layouts changed the way we look at affluent homes.
Open floor plans and ergonomic designs made a stir in the building industry with the turn of the century and are here to stay. These open plan concepts allow for better lighting, and continuous energy flow, creating spacious and accessible living conditions throughout the house. Whether you want to renovate your home to give it an airy and extensive feel to correspond with the rules of Feng shui, or you want to be able to see your kids playing across the house while you’re cooking dinner, knocking down those obstacles to home renovations are easy when you enlist the help of Chatsworth Fine Homes.
Energy Savings
With a new focus on making the world a cleaner and greener space- energy saving options have never been more accessible than now! Energy consumption won’t be the only thing going down with home renovations with Chatsworth Fine Homes. As your home saves on energy, your hydro and electric bills could see an all-time low as well. In recent years, our team has been working on a NET ZERO program to bring a gold standard to current building codes.
There are options for government rebates when it comes to energy efficient choices in the home. With new windows, doors, appliances and light fixtures- the renovations to your home could also renovate your cheque book! These facets may be more expensive, but in the long run, the energy savings could pay for themselves!
Going Forward
You don’t want just anyone to be responsible for your home renovations, as your house is a private and personal thing. With a focus on clean energy and a Net Zero standard, home renovations with Chatsworth Fine Homes can turn your living space into an energy efficient paradise.
Enough with what we have to say! You can read our client’s testimonials and decide for yourself! To contact us for more information on home renovations and builds, click here.